Qatar Tourism Continues to Grow in Popularity Among Indian Travelers

Doha, Qatar – Qatar tourism is continuing to grow in popularity among Indian travelers. In the first half of 2023, the number of Indian visitors to Qatar increased by 25% compared to the same period in 2022. This growth is being driven by a number of factors, including Qatar’s hosting of the FIFA World Cup in 2022, the country’s continued investment in tourism infrastructure, and its growing reputation as a cultural and business destination.

FIFA World Cup 2022

The FIFA World Cup 2022 was a major boost for Qatar tourism. The tournament attracted over 1.5 million visitors from around the world, including a significant number of Indians. Many of these visitors returned to Qatar after the tournament, and others are planning to visit for the first time.

Investment in Tourism Infrastructure

Qatar is investing heavily in tourism infrastructure to support its growing tourism industry. The country is building new hotels, resorts, and attractions, and it is also upgrading its transportation and communication infrastructure. These investments are making Qatar a more attractive destination for travelers from around the world, including India.

Cultural and Business Destination

Qatar is also becoming a more popular cultural and business destination. The country is home to a number of museums, art galleries, and cultural events. It is also a major center for business and finance. These factors are attracting Indian travelers who are interested in culture, business, or both.

Opportunities for Indian Travelers

Qatar offers a variety of opportunities for Indian travelers. The country has a rich history and culture, and it is also home to a number of modern attractions. Indian travelers can enjoy a variety of activities in Qatar, including:

  • Visiting historical landmarks, such as the Museum of Islamic Art and the Al Zubarah UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Shopping at the Souq Waqif, a traditional market
  • Relaxing on the beaches of the Arabian Gulf
  • Exploring the desert by camel or 4×4
  • Enjoying the nightlife in Doha


Qatar tourism is continuing to grow in popularity among Indian travelers. The country offers a variety of attractions and opportunities that appeal to Indian visitors. As Qatar continues to invest in tourism infrastructure and develop its cultural and business offerings, it is likely to attract even more Indian visitors in the years to come.

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